
Internationella Skolorna Barcelona

Update of website & promotional film for their course "Spanish and international development cooperation".

El camino del agua

En el mundo, 1 de cada 3 personas vive sin agua potable. En Chile, el 76% del territorio sufre de una mega sequía. 400.000 familias dependen de camiones aljibe para tener agua potable. A la vez, el 98% del agua es detonada a actividades de la industria forestal, ganadera y minera.

Gloria Alvarado, Presidenta de la federación nacional de agua potable rural.

50 years of the Unidad Popular

In celebration of the 50 years of the Popular Unity, 50 readers, artists, social and student leaders, along with 50 dancers, come together to embody the 'Victory Speech' of President Salvador Allende. A performance commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Unidad Popular in Chile.
